Renault Megane Coupe Cabrio delivered to Jonge Balien / AUTOSPIRIT / Uudised

Renault Megane Coupe Cabrio delivered to Jonge Balien

All Modera customers who bought at least one product license before1st of july 2006 (Webmaster, Extranet or Intranet) had a chance to wina car for the summer. More info about the campaign.

Here is the video about the Draw which took place in Renault Showroom in Tallinn, Estonia.

Below are the pictures of the Winner, Taken in Maastricht, Netherlands on 14th of july 2006.

From left: T. Luer (Modera Nederland), R.Lemmens (Jonge Balie), S.Vips(Modera International), G.Stratermans (Modera Nederland).